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13 Questions That Eliminate Clutter and Create Clarity

New Year’s is just another day with a sunrise and sunset.

The way we think about New Year’s is what makes it different.

New Year’s is a finish and starting line all at once. You reflect on life, release disappointments, and embrace aspirations.

New Year’s isn’t effective because it’s only once a year.

Remarkable success requires starting again, again.

Uncluttered leadership:

Practice New Year’s everyday.

Establish a structured time to process your day, everyday. The operative word is “structured.” Don’t just randomly mull over things.

Establish a system that allows you to cross a line – everyday – where you reflect, let go, and start again.

Unexamined life collects clutter. Baggage expands. Confusion prevails.

13 questions that eliminate clutter and create clarity:

  1. How did my life reflect what’s important to me?
  2. What distracted me from things that matter most?
  3. What did I try to accomplish today?
  4. What actually got accomplished?
  5. What am I proud of?
  6. What did I learn about myself and others?
  7. How did I bring out the best in others?
  8. Who did I affirm, reward, honor, or recognize?
  9. What did I do to sabotage my fulfillment, progress, or success?
  10. What will I NOT do tomorrow?
  11. What behavior would I like to see more of, in myself?
  12. What will I let go?
  13. How will I start fresh with people and projects, tomorrow?

Celebrate New Year’s everyday – reflect, release, and start again. Processing your day, everyday.

Uncluttered leaders enjoy clarity, energy, optimism, and progress.

What questions for reflection would you add?

Thirteen questions is way too many. Which three reflection-questions seem most useful to you?


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