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The Ultimate Pursuit

The ultimate pursuit of life isn’t happiness, love, or success, it’s wisdom. Thankfully, wisdom isn’t information, intelligence, or talent.

Wisdom is practical know-how. (Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.)

Wisdom is always useful in practical ways.

  1. A person with a string of broken relationships isn’t wise about building relationships.
  2. Leaders who are wise about goals, get things done.
  3. Leaders who are wise about the future, prepare for the future, even if it looks foolish from a short-term perspective.

7 ways to get wisdom:

  1. Dedicate your life to gaining practical know how. The beginning of wisdom is, get wisdom.
  2. Reject the notion that you have wisdom. You need enough wisdom to know that you need wisdom. Those who think they have achieved wisdom, haven’t.
  3. Seek solutions. The ratio of defining problems to finding solutions is 80/20. Spend 20% of your time defining problems and 80% exploring solutions.
  4. Listen to wise people. Wisdom is more often found in people than books. The answer is “who” not “what.” Fools think they know more than everyone else.
  5. Set lofty goals and learn how to achieve them. Wisdom gets it done.
  6. Listen to wise people with your goals in mind. How have wise people achieved what you would like to achieve?
  7. Eliminate what isn’t working. Persistent frustration means you’re persisting in things that don’t work.

Bonus: Try stuff. If there is reasonable certainty that it won’t make things worse, try it. After you try stuff, refer to #7.


Get wisdom on the sly.

When I talked to Ken Blanchard I asked him about things I’m challenged with. I didn’t say, “Hey Ken, I’m struggling with running great meetings.” I just asked him how he would run great meetings. He thought it was an interview. I was gaining wisdom.

Enlightenment apart from skillful living is puffed-up blindness.

How might leaders gain wisdom?

What prevents leaders from gaining wisdom?

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