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How Honor Fuels Energy and Gets Results

Done poorly, gratitude demotivates or inspires entitlement.

Affirm results; honor heart.

The person behind results:

There’s a leader on my team who enjoys meeting needs and taking care of people. I saw him in action at a recent picnic.

Mike came to our vehicle to help us carry our picnic gear when we arrived. When more people arrived he walked to the parking lot and offered to help them as well.

Last Wednesday, Mike and I had a meeting. It gave me a chance to affirm both his behavior and heart.

“I noticed you helped people carry their stuff for the picnic last week. You enjoy meeting needs.” Mike smiled. I said, “It’s part of who you are.” Then I honored his heart.

“You must have been watching for people to arrive so that you could be helpful. Everyone else was relaxing and enjoying conversations. You, were watching to meet a need. That’s impressive.”

I could tell Mike appreciated how our conversation went beyond result to heart. Mike made several trips to the parking lot that day. He carried bags, coolers, and chairs. Everyone said thank you. But, his heart is more important than the help he offered.

People first; result after.

Honor heart:

  1. Talk about the energy it took to produce results.
  2. Respect the positive motivations that got the job done.
  3. Explain the emotional  impact of results. “When you …., others feel….”
  4. Say, “When you …, I feel proud you’re on our team,” for example.
  5. Ask yourself, “What unnoticed attitudes or behaviors did it take to get this job done?” Talk about those things.

Honor heart; fuel energy.

How might leaders honor heart?

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