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How to Overcome Dingbat Ideas

Our grandchildren love hearing mimi and poppi say, “Ya Dingbat.” I call myself dingbat. I say, “Ya dingbat,” to mimi and she calls me dingbat.

I enjoy calling the grandchildren dingbats. Someone has to do it.

Don’t let a day go by without calling yourself and others dingbat.

How to overcome dingbat ideas:

Everyone is smart occasionally and frequently stupid.

(The above sentence especially applies to bosses.)

Dingbat idea #1: Seek to have fun. Reject hard work.

Smart idea #1: Fun is beautiful in small doses, but not the standard for success.

My wife and I spent a day, years ago, with friends at an amusement park. It was perfect. We laughed, ate, and rode rides until our faces hurt.

You can’t plan an experience like we had. We might have another experience like that, but probably not.

If you judge yourself by an amusement-park-day, you’re going to be sad most of the time.

Smart idea #2: Don’t judge yourself by your successes.

Smart idea #3: Enjoy painful work.

It’s 4:11 a.m. right now. A few minutes ago a friend of mine got up and headed to the gym. He used to be a dough boy. Now he meticulously plans his meals and works out most everyday.

His belly isn’t sticking out beyond his belt like mine.

You have to enjoy painful work if you want a six pack.

When I ask, “How’s your workout going?” he doesn’t look at his shoes in shame. He describes his sore quads.

Smart idea #4: Forget about rewards. Enjoy painful work.

Rewards are nice but not satisfying. As soon as you get one reward, you start thinking about future rewards. When you start thinking about future rewards, the one you just received is less satisfying.

Stop being a dingbat and get to work.

What stupid ideas are sucking the life out of you and your team?


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