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How to Get the Most from Chapter Four

The six chapters in the leader’s journey are:

  1. Believe you can make a difference.
  2. Engage in leading.
  3. Learn leadership skills and behaviors.
  4. Respond to adversity and disappointment with openness and resolve.
  5. Humility.
  6. Kindness.

How to Get the Most From Chapter Four:

Turbulent water strengthens leaders. High wind and dark emotion signals your greatest opportunity for growth.

Get the most from turbulence by expecting it.

Turbulence is a matter of “when” not “if”.

It doesn’t help to cry, “Why me?”, when you’re losing your balance on a slippery deck. “Why me?” is the voice of coddled immaturity.

Anticipate a time when grabbing the rail prevents you from getting washed overboard.

There will come a time when support is necessary.

How to best anticipate tomorrow’s turbulence:

#1. Enjoy calm seas.

Don’t be a dark cloud when skies are blue. Feel the warmth. Smile.

#2 Build relationships with team members when winds are calm.

Trusting relationships make turbulence an opportunity to work together.

Walk around asking team members,

  1. “How did you get into (fill in with their job)?”
  2. “Where did you grow up?”
  3. “Who taught you how to (fill in a job skill they are good at)?”

Every leader needs to know the formative stories of everyone on the team.

#3. Build relationships outside your organization before you need them.

  1. Connect with mentors.
  2. Have lunch with competitors.
  3. Volunteer in your community.
  4. Hire a coach.

Build relationships before you need them.

#4. Create a “crisis” when skies are blue.

Test yourself and the crew when skies are blue.

  1. Try a new skill.
  2. Run a pilot program.
  3. Test a new process.
  4. Give someone new responsibilities.
  5. Shorten a timeline.

Calm seas are opportunities to develop, not drift.

One of the best ways to get the most from chapter 4 – adversity and disappointment – is to prepare for turbulence when skies are blue.

How might leaders prepare for chapter 4?

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