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The Reason Leaders Pursue Excellence Will Change Your Life

It’s not about doing your best. It’s about doing your best for someone else.

Since reading, “High Performance Habits, by Brendon Burchard, I’ve been paying attention to the reasons leaders do what they do.

A cause to rise for:

Burchard wrote, “We need a noble cause to rise for. High performers tend to make that just one person. … You will do more for others than yourself.”

American Idol, soldiers, athletes, and religion:

We’re watching American Idol on TV. Contestants often say, “I’m doing this for my mom.” (Or some other loved one.)

High performance is about honoring others.

Soldiers risk life and limb for the persons to their left and right, not God and country. You certainly don’t throw yourself on a grenade because you want a medal.

Athletes give their best for the team.

Love is the engine of high performance.

Religion provides an illustration. Christians sacrifice for Jesus. Muslims honor Islam. Down through the ages, women and men have given their lives for something bigger than themselves.

Connection or disconnection:

Connection drives excellence.

Disconnection is permission to live for yourself.

Connection is motivation to serve.

Someone served you. It might be a coach, grandparent, or boss.

You need something bigger than yourself to fuel your resolve. One leader said, “I can’t disappoint the people who have given so much.” Another said, “I’m doing this for the young leaders on the team.”

When you live for yourself, you lean toward indulgence and arrogance. How might you best serve self? When you live for others, leadership is about humility, pursuit, and serving others.

Today is a good day to ask:

How are you serving something bigger than yourself?

Who has poured into your life? How might you honor them today?

How might you complete this sentence? “Any success I might achieve is done in honor of …. (Complete with a person’s name.)

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