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Community Village: 7 Ways Village Builders Win

You live an impoverished life apart from a village. Life on your own is empty.

The richest possible life turns toward community.

You need a community to flourish.

Life is better when you build relationships where you contribute to others and others contribute to you.

Everything that enriches life begins with community.

7 ways village builders win:

  1. Contentment – you’re ok with who you are in a village.
  2. Shared activities – doing things with others is more satisfying than doing them alone.
  3. Stability – life with others might be messy, but it’s more stable than life alone.
  4. Centeredness – a village is a beacon calling you to clarity.
  5. Permission granted – you are not a bother to anyone in your village. (The fear of bothering someone is one reason villages don’t exist.)
  6. Inclusion – you don’t feel left out.
  7. Being seen – people see you and you see them.

Community – 3 ways to build your village.

#1. Sit on the porch.

Be available. You show up before you connect.

#2. Choose your village people.

Look for people of influence, authority, and experience. Who best contributes?

Invite someone who shares similar interests.

Reach out to people on the fringe. Converted fringe-dwellers provide unexpected value.

Be easily impressed to overcome reluctance.

#3. Practice noticing:

Listen for values.

Observe repeated topics of conversation.

Discover action steps by noticing what matters to people in your village.

Why you struggle to build a village:

Communities of trust and care are rare. You’re blazing your own trail.

You struggle because village building requires a transformation of priorities.  

Relationships are risky. It’s human nature to play it safe, turn away, and not bother people.

3 quick tips:

  1. Tighten your belt and take a risk.
  2. Reach out to a new person this week.
  3. Make a list of three people who contribute to you. Give them a thank you call.

Start building today. Write intriguing and life-giving stories. 100% of the time good effort delivers good results.

You cannot fulfill your purpose in isolation.

What’s preventing you from building your village?

How can you build a village that attracts ‘your’ people?

Still curious:

3 Ways to Lean on People Without Being Needy

No One of Us Is as Smart as All of Us—Treat People as Partners

This post is a collaboration between Dan Rockwell and Stan Endicott.

I relax my 300 word limit on weekend posts.

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