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Secrets to Leadership Development

The more time you dedicate to developing leaders the more successful you’ll become.

Successful leaders develop leaders.

You may think your job is explained in a list of responsibilities that include oversee financials, cast vision, hire and fire, etc. That’s only half the picture. If you plan to do great things you must develop great leaders.

When you develop leaders you do less others do more.
Your work is working yourself out and working others in.

Five leadership development tips:

  1. Give access. Bring others when you travel, for example.
  2. Share how you think. Explain the reasons behind your behaviors.
  3. Learn how others think. Uncover untapped aptitudes and skills.
  4. Give new challenges. Stretch and test.
  5. Move high performers beyond individual contributors to team builders.
  6. Let others teach you. Ask for and listen to suggestions and advice.

Two leadership development essentials:

The number one thing that taps leadership potential is belief. Believe in them.

Belief fuels passion.

Belief gives people the courage to believe in themselves.

But, knowledge comes before belief. In order for you to believe in someone you must know who they are first.

When people feel you understand them
they open their hearts to you.

Leaders manipulate others when they develop people apart from understanding them. The problem is they expect others to be like them.

Leadership development apart from adapting to others becomes about strategies and techniques. It becomes about doing this or that. But, authenticity goes down the drain and with it goes passion.

As I write this, I realize I’ve embraced what I didn’t understand. Leadership is about becoming who you are. Developing leaders is helping people courageously bring themselves to challenges and opportunities.

My goal: spend half my time developing leaders.

What helped you develop your leadership?

How are you developing leaders?

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