Search Results for: Effort

4 Simple Questions to Clarify Complex Challenges

When facing complex challenges reflect on urgency, necessity, and perfectionism. Here’s how. #1. How important is finding a solution now? Make progress by leaving the most complex challenges until later. Do the simplest… Continue reading

Dear Dan: Am I Helping or Hindering

Today I’m answering a wonderful question from a reader. I wish more people asked, “How can I tell if I am helping or hindering.

We’ve all seen our efforts backfire.

Every leader has to terminate people. How can you do this without negative reflections on your own leadership skills?

How can you tell if someone really wants to grow?

Steady on!

The 7 Powers of Questions

I’ve heard lots of questions over the years. Some were small. Others brilliant. Some reflected sincere but dead-end pursuits. Smart people ask short-sighted questions when they focus on the wrong things. “What should… Continue reading

When You Lose Yourself

There’s a joyful side to losing yourself and there’s a corrosive side. Achievement corrodes identity when you lose yourself to work. You dilute yourself into a title; self-worth is measured in perks and… Continue reading

Leadership Lessons from a Dishwasher

My friend Glen Van Peski’s book is released today. “take less. do more.”

I couldn’t be more delighted to host today’s guest post. His story energizes me.

Glen is providing 20 books for Leadership Freak readers.

Leave a comment on today’s post to become eligible.

I highly recommend Glen’s book.

3 Ways to Practice Steady-On Leadership

“Steady-on.” That’s what my friend Dave says when you ask, “How ya doin’?” Dave works at farmer-pace. He wouldn’t win any sprints. I’ve done a couple things with Dave, and I can testify… Continue reading