Search Results for: Blame

Weekend Update: 8/30/2021 to 9/3/2021

This weekend I’m thinking about the relationship between engagement and intervention. A leader who intervenes too frequently lowers the engagement of the team. People are usually glad to let a leader answer their… Continue reading

Anyone Can Learn to Lead

Stop saying, “I’m just not good at that.” If you aren’t good at leadership, learn to lead. Don’t cower behind, “I’m not wired that way.” Learn to lead from the genetic platform you… Continue reading

3 Ways to Quiet Constant Complaining

Constant complaining feels good to grumblers. Lousy leaders complain like squawking crows. If they didn’t feel unhappy, they wouldn’t feel anything. Even when you do well, lousy leaders bellyache. Why so much complaining:… Continue reading

5 Ways to Learn from Mistakes

The dumbest mistake is making the same mistake. Why don’t you put your hand in fire? Because you learned. We’re toast unless we learn from mistakes. Learning from mistakes makes existence possible. “The… Continue reading

Crisis: 5 Ways to Fuel Progress When the Lights Go Out

Never trivialize crisis with frivolous optimism. Smart people roll their eyes at Pollyanna leaders. Acknowledge bad and work toward good. The danger of crisis is magnetism. Crisis captures your attention, dominates perspectives, and… Continue reading


Book Giveaway!! 20 copies available!! Leave a comment on this guest post by Karolin Helbig and Minette Norman to become eligible for one of 20 complimentary copies of their new book, The Psychological Safety… Continue reading