Category Archive: Courage

7 Ways Humility Contributes to Self-Confidence

Formulas for developing confidence are only outstripped by the numbers of people who lack confidence. Think positive thoughts. Dress for success. Fake it till you make it. Smile. Stand with your hands on… Continue reading

Dear Dan: What’s Your Take on Humor in Leadership

Dear Dan, I follow, and love, your leadership thoughts. I would be interested in seeing your take on humor and its role or value in leadership. Sincerely, Curious Dear Curious, Thanks for the… Continue reading

7 Ways to Rise Above Feelings of Intimidation

Intimidation is different from being afraid of heights. It’s about the self. Intimidation is an evaluation of the self in comparison to others. Others have more experience, success, power, talent, good looks, or… Continue reading

The 10 Vulnerabilities of Discouragement

Turning an ember into a flame takes skills. But any fool can throw water on enthusiasm. Show up to fuel energy and build morale. Everyone gets discouraged. That’s why successful leaders make it… Continue reading

Three C’s for Listening Like a Leader

Listening is a vast ocean surrounded by empty beaches. I’ve been paying attention to listening, both my own and others. You’re more likely to meet a red-crested tree rat* than to meet someone… Continue reading

7 Ways to Instill Confidence in Those Who Lack Boldness

Treating people like losers tends to cause them to act like losers. The power of a respected leader is their ability to help others believe in themselves. People who believe they matter tend… Continue reading