Category Archive: Culture

Be a Real Leader and Start a Ripple Effect

I invited several top leaders, authors, and bloggers to share their wisdom with Leadership Freak readers. Thanks to Jesse Lyn Stoner for contributing this insightful post on creating magnificent teams in uninspired organizations. Do any of these common business… Continue reading

Breaking Silos – Connecting People

Stepping across functional boundaries in siloed organizations makes you the enemy. What are you doing here? This is my turf. Siloed organizations waste resources, squander opportunities, and duplicate effort. 7 signs your organization is… Continue reading

Puppets Don’t Lead

Eliminate, “I’m letting people lead,” from your vocabulary. “I’m letting people lead,” means they aren’t really leading, you are. “Letting people lead,” suggests you hold the strings. As long as you control others,… Continue reading

Solution Saturday: Culture in Two Words

Dear Dan, Can you address the key indicators of a culture of excellence and steps to establishing that culture for a school? Sincerely, Culture Builder Dear Culture Builder, Thanks for asking such a… Continue reading

10 Ways to Disengage in an Engaging Way

Leadership roles are frequently redefined in growing organizations. Leaders grow with growing organizations or both stagnate and die. Growing organizations require leaders to become novices again and again. Stepping back and letting go:… Continue reading

Pop the Cork on Positive Environments

Leaders who don’t express gratitude are small-hearted Grinches. It doesn’t matter what you think of yourself. You’re building negative environments. Unexpressed gratitude is ungratefulness. The only way to sustain gratitude is to express it. Withheld gratitude… Continue reading