Category Archive: Encouragement

How No-Nonsense Leaders Succeed with Conversations

Agenda-driven conversations feel safe. It’s those spontaneous conversations that kick some leaders in the pants. It might feel easier to avoid interactions, but your team is better served when you engage. Personal conversations… Continue reading

How to Turn Negative Nancy into Positive Pam

Dear Dan, How do you distinguish between a true Negative Nancy and one who just has an eye for identifying areas that need improvement? There are folks who have the ability to immediately… Continue reading

3 Hard-and-Fast Rules for Dealing with Negative People

Negative people stir the slop and smell the same stink over and over. It’s exhausting.   3 hard-and-fast rules for dealing with negative people: #1. The three-time rule: It’s your responsibility when Dark… Continue reading

How to Energize a Team that’s Lost Heart

Everything’s hard when you lose heart. Fearful people play-it-safe. “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.” Vince Lombardi If your team lost enthusiasm, what are you going to change about yourself? What did you… Continue reading

5 Ways to Lead with a Big Heart

I’ve always admired leaders who handle heavy responsibility with heart. Some leaders put on masks and lose themselves to the expectation of others. But leaders with heart bear the load of responsibility with… Continue reading

Four Ways to Keep Going When You Feel Like Quitting

“I will take up my pencil, which I have forsaken in my great discouragement, and I will go on with my drawing.” Vincent Van Gogh 4 ways to keep going when you feel… Continue reading