Category Archive: Marks of leaders

Amy Lyman Kicked My Assumptions

***** Marshall McLuhan said, “Most of our assumptions have outlived their uselessness.” Author, Amy Lyman showed me one of mine. Our assumptions expose us: Beliefs about, the world, ourselves, and others form assumptions.… Continue reading

The Secret to a Great Place to Work

***** I believe in employees first, but I recently learned a bigger, more important truth. I asked an expert on “great places to work” if putting employees first was the secret to creating… Continue reading

Lift Others by Helping them Rise Up

Lone Ranger leaders are doomed to fail. Recruiting, retaining, and developing the best talent is central to every organization’s success. Furthermore, people of influence constantly raise the game of those around them. High… Continue reading

15 Questions Guaranteed to Create Clarity

Confusion, instability, and chaos describe organizations with poor leaders. Confusion and leadership, however, are partners. Sometimes you create and encourage others to work through confusion. It’s the path to solutions; it’s innovative and… Continue reading

30 Secrets to Successful Leadership

***** Successful leaders exhibit these 30 qualities, behaviors, and skills. Item one is first because it’s most important. The rest are listed randomly. You’re ready to lead when you: Know yourself and live… Continue reading

How to Let Go without Giving In

Image source The problem is you won’t let go. You’re the victim of too much perseverance. Organizations grow when new competent talent steps in. 7 reasons letting go challenges longstanding leaders: Identity: Who am I… Continue reading