Category Archive: Marks of leaders

5 Cures for Leadership-loneliness

Leaders feel lonely. Relationship boundaries stretch and occasionally break. In addition, change, innovation, or new initiatives may cause loyalties to evaporate. If you’ve never experienced the loneliness of leadership, I wonder if you’ve… Continue reading

Frustration is a good thing?

Frustration, dissatisfaction, disappointment, and discontent are good things, in the face of mediocrity. I’ll concede that contentment is usually better than frustration. It expresses self-confidence, self-knowledge, and acceptance of the way things are.… Continue reading

Finding your courage

It takes courage not lack of fear to lead. Seven things gutless leaders do: Create complexity that protects them from decision-making responsibility. Cowards lurk in the protective shadows of bureaucracy. Let fear rather than… Continue reading

How to Go Over the Boss?

Playing politics creates mediocre organizations filled with butt kissers and game players more interested in advancing their own career’s than in advancing their organization. I’ve seen the ants scurrying to tell the boss… Continue reading

Determining Leadership Focus and Direction

The way you define leadership determines what you’ll do, where you’ll go, and how you’ll get there. Without definitions you’ll flounder. You must define your leadership. Some leadership-definitions are relational, others situational, still… Continue reading

How to Maintain Forward Movement

Organizations and people always have trajectory. They never stand still. Standing still while the world changes means you’re falling backward. Falling backward means you’re becoming irrelevant.  On the other hand, forward movement drives… Continue reading