Category Archive: Marks of leaders

3 Unexpected Interventions that Changed the World

Ted Geisel crossed the Atlantic on stormy seas in the Fall of 1935. It was eight days of agonizing monotony. He sat at the bar for hours, the rhythmic thumping of the ship’s… Continue reading

3 Things We Get Wrong About Humility

Humility and I stand beside each other like strangers on an elevator. We glance sideways, but we don’t stand close. The only thing I say is, “Have a good day,” when I step… Continue reading

How Managers Become Leaders

Only 1 in 10 managers actually have the talent to manage. But lacing on leadership shoes is like discovering you’re lactose intolerant after devouring a container of ice cream. Leaders manage and managers… Continue reading

Victims: The People Leaders Deal with Everyday

Self-destructive responses to life multiply like flies on roadkill. The worst response is pervasive and sinister. It’s the lie of victimhood. This lie, like breathing, usually goes unnoticed. The worst thing about victimhood… Continue reading

How to Choose A Dynamic Self-Development Goal

The first development is self-development. #1. Explore widely. What leadership skills and behaviors seem most relevant to pressing challenges and current opportunities? Make a long list. #2. Use an aspirational lens. Look through… Continue reading

7 Ways to Master the Most Important Leadership Skill

Intimidation is about reward and punishment. Leading is about connecting. The ability to connect with people is the magic ingredient that multiplies every leadership practice. Your brain is wired to connect. (Social) Those… Continue reading