7 Questions to Declutter Your Day

The unexamined life collapse into trivialities.

Declutter your day before distraction defines you.

Every sunrise is your opportunity to declutter and begin again.

Choose one or two of the following questions to move you toward greater satisfaction today.

Imagination – Not Logic – Drives Leadership

Willy Wonka built a land of pure imagination and so do you.

Decisions are shaped by imagination. Evan a logical list of pros and cons is based on imagined eventualities.

Your view of the future explains how you live today.

Leaders imagine the future.

The 10 Simplest Ways to Turn Challenges into Opportunities

Even optimists know sunny skies grow dark quickly.

Plans derail. Teams implode. Results disappoint. Talent moves on. Mistakes escalate. Crisis erupts. Skillful leaders turn challenges into opportunities.

Here are the 10 simplest ways to turn challenges into opportunities that I can think of this morning.

The Fundamentals Make You Great

Today is the saddest day of the year. March Madness is over.

Athletes who practice the fundamentals. bowling it’s getting spares, not strikes. In basketball it’s boxing out to get rebounds. In golf it’s the grip.

What are the simple practices that enable leaders to excel?

Good Stupid or Bad Stupid You Choose

“Momma always said, ‘Stupid is as stupid does.’” Forest Gump

I think momma means stupid is defined by actions.

There’s a good stupid and a bad stupid. Here’s how to avoid the bad and embrace the good.

When SMART goals are Dumb

I wonder if SMART goals are dumb when working to change your life. Goal setting requires history. What if you lack experience?

Life changes in iterations, not giant leaps. SMART goals reflect reality and aspiration.

Give yourself grace when working to change your life.