4 Ways “No” Moves You Forward

Hearing “no” feels like rejection. But a good “no” moves you forward.

Jobs and Wozniak started Apple after HP told them no.

It’s dumb to desire rejection. But I wonder what would have happened if Hewlett-Packard said yes.

Here are 4 benefits of “no” that might energize you today.

How to Build Relationships with the Right People

Working out, a good diet, and a great job aren’t the answer to the good life.

The answer to the good life is supportive relationships.

How to build relationships with the right people?

A Conversation with Glen Van Peski

Glen wasn’t thrilled with my use of “obsessed”.

Glen Van Peski said, “Always thinking about better ways to do things … can be frankly annoying to people.”

We talk about, having enough, drive to be better, bacon, and more.

A Colossal Failure to Anticipate

It’s a colossal failure to anticipate when you solve the same problems repeatedly.

You maximize the present when you anticipate the future.

Failure to anticipate is an ineffective leader’s path to glory.

Here are 5 ways to develop the skill to anticipate.

10 Practices for the Leader as Coach

Leaders who love telling people what to do can’t coach.

The use of authority creates conformity. The leader as coach ignites vitality.

Here are 10 essential qualities of the leader as coach.

Chew the Gristle: Taking Responsibility Like a Leader

You lose it when you don’t own it. When you don’t own your marriage, it dies. When you don’t take responsibility for your team, it founders.

Taking responsibility is vitality.

It’s self-centered to take failure personally. “See how I’m struggling.”