Tag Archive: Power

7 Small Acts of Defiance

Small acts of defiance, like the murder of a watch, build an oasis of control. My smart watch died a quiet death on the table by my bed. It hasn’t buzzed or beeped… Continue reading

The Power of the Weak

Power silences dissent. But uncontested decisions are weak. People nod when they disagree to put food on their table until organizational cupboards are bare. That’s what happened to Ford Motor Company a few… Continue reading

How Energy Increases, Strength Grows, and the Seduction of Doing Easy Things is Resisted

You don’t find strength while snoozing in a hammock or snacking at the movies. Expand potential by doing things that require energy and strength. Strength rises when you do hard things. No challenge… Continue reading

The 7 Impossibilities of Gratitude

Gratitude makes many bad things impossible. The 7 impossibilities of gratitude: #1. Worry. You can’t worry and be grateful in the same moment. Don’t worry about overcoming worry. Just notice and acknowledge benefit… Continue reading

How to Break Free from People Pleasing and Speak Your Mind

All people-pleasers lose themselves. The #1 regret of the dying is, “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” You always… Continue reading

The 5 Powers of a Good Enemy – Red Sox Fans Hate the Yankees

Red Sox fans are all alike. They hate the Yankees. You might respect the talent of the Yankees, but a Red Sox fan knows the Yankees buy championships. “… studies show that rabid… Continue reading