10 Weaknesses that Derail Leaders

Maximizing strengths enhances performance and elevates fulfillment.

“A man should never be appointed to a managerial position if his vision focuses on people’s weaknesses rather than on their strengths. The man who always knows what people cannot do, but never sees what they can do, will undermine the spirit of the organization,” Peter Drucker.

There is a difference between ‘focusing on’ weaknesses and ‘dealing with’ fatal flaws.

Weaknesses are growth opportunities, not time for a pity party. Image of a hand holding a young plant.

10 weaknesses that derail leaders:

Drucker says focusing on weaknesses disqualifies you from management. However, you never thrive when you ignore self-destructive weaknesses.

Not all flaws are equal.

Some flaws are low-impact inconveniences. Other weaknesses are fatal flaws that hold you back.

10 weaknesses:

  1. Low energy and enthusiasm.
  2. Accepting mediocrity.
  3. Lack of vision and direction.
  4. Poor judgement.
  5. Resistance to collaboration.
  6. Not walking the talk. Inconsistency.
  7. Resisting new ideas.
  8. Not learning from mistakes.
  9. Lacking personal skills. (Low EQ)
  10. Failing to develop people.

The above list is adapted from the research of Zinger and Folkman.

4 ways to face weaknesses like a leader:

#1. Constantly focus on growth and development.

Always think about moving the ball down the field. How might you grow in ways that limit the impact of weaknesses?

#2. Persistently reflect on potential.                     

#3. Don’t use weaknesses as excuses.

Weaknesses are growth opportunities, not time for a pity party.

#4. Choose incremental improvement over unrealistic expectations.

Strengthen strengths AND mitigate the negative impact of weaknesses.

What is a leaderly way to face weaknesses?