How to Build Relationships with the Right People

The Gant Study on human development is in the second generation of participants. It began in 1938. Good genes aren’t the answer to the good life. Neither is working out, a good diet, or a great job.

The answer to the good life is supportive relationships.

The relationships you enjoy begin with you.

How to build relationships with the right people:

Identify the right people

Choose travel partners carefully. Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

Choose people who…

  1. Challenge you. Look for people who expand your life.
  2. Need your help. Giving to others makes you better.
  3. Can do things you can’t.
  4. Do something remarkable or who aspire to do something remarkable.
  5. Work outside your organization. Use technology to connect. Move beyond transactions.

Choose character

People often have an outstanding character quality. Some are kind. Others look you in the eye and say what they see without flinching.

You need a doer, a dreamer, and a feeler in your life. Doers know how to get things done. They’re systematic and finish what they start. Dreamers love “we could.” Feelers have tender hearts.

How relationships begin

Make an ask. You notice someone who excels where you aspire to excel. Say, “I notice you’re great at building relationships, what advice do you have for connecting with people?”

Another type of ask goes like this, “I could use your help.” Be specific. Don’t ask for a life-long commitment.

An ask reveals a person’s character. Generous people build richer relationships than skinflints.

Make an offer. “I notice you’re working to …. I’d like to learn more.” In the process of learning more you might find ways to be helpful. Don’t send an email saying, “I think I can help you,” but show up to help.

How could you build relationships today?

What advice do you have on this topic?

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My Best Relationship Advice for Leaders

A Simple Approach to Relationship Building