Category Archive: Values

Five Ways to Find Your Future

The past is the future for most of us. We cling to misguided notions that persistence, endurance, and more of the same will result in a new future. It won’t. 99% of the… Continue reading

Seeing the Secret of Engagement

 Successful leaders define meaning and explain purpose. There are no menial tasks as long as tasks have meaning. My recent stay (11/11) at Susquehanna Health (SH) exposed me to an array of remarkable people; not… Continue reading

The Question A.G.Lafley Didn’t Answer

Unspoken words say more than spoken. I asked A.G. Lafley, former CEO of Procter and Gamble, a question he only partially answered. He began with “if” statements but never finished. Here’s how it… Continue reading

Defending New Ideas Without being Defensive

All leaders explore, introduce, and defend new ideas. Defending an idea often creates adversarial conversations. You offer points that support your idea and others evaluate, adopt or reject. You’ve surrendered your power from… Continue reading

Finding Your Place of No Exceptions

When I interview someone, I listen for what interest me and explore it. While Marlene Chism chatted in my ear, I scribbled her statement, “If you can find an exception, it’s time to… Continue reading

The Only Way to Inspire Others

Image source Martin Luther King inspired people not because he had a dream but because he touched the silent dream of others. He said what mattered to others. Leaders that busily talk about… Continue reading