Search Results for: Rules

10 Symptoms of Self-Importance You Need to Know

You can’t see yourself when you’re full of yourself. You can’t see others clearly. You can’t see the world as it is.

Self-Importance is deadly because it distorts perception.

Maybe you know someone who needs this post?


Wisdom from Charlie Munger

Charlie Munger was a billionaire and the right-hand man of Warren Buffet.

Here is some wisdom from Charlie you can use today.

Let me know what you think.

Your Secret Power to Energize People

Pouring mud in the cup doesn’t energize people.

Worms like mud. People like sunshine.

How to Lead Successfully in a Global Environment

It’s impossible to over-communicate when teams are far away from each other.

There’s a new book giveaway on this post.

How to Clarify and Share Your Aspirations for the Way People Treat Each Other at Work

The difference between a great place to work and a job is the way people treat each other. The most important thing about us is the way we treat each other while we… Continue reading

3 Surprising Secrets to Self-Management

Time pressure is more pervasive than Covid. Your schedule reflects your life. The person who can’t manage time can’t manage life. When you hate your schedule, you hate life. Time management is self-management.… Continue reading