10 Symptoms of Self-Importance You Need to Know

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” Socrates

Self-Importance distorts perception. You can’t see yourself when you’re full of yourself. You can’t see others clearly. You can’t see the world as it is.

Self-importance is the biggest danger in leadership. Image of a photo set with bright spotlights.

10 symptoms of self-importance you need to know:

  1. Shallow relationships: Relationship strengthens influence. Pride alienates. Humility connects.
  2. Distance: Superiority stands aloof. It’s impossible to row-with when you’re rowing for yourself.
  3. Self-serving decisions: Hubris prioritizes its own welfare. You can’t trust leaders who serve self-interest before organizational interests.
  4. Toxic talk: Superiority manifests in dismissive communication. You don’t value insight from peons. You talk over, interrupt, disrupt, and disdain when you’re the most important person in the room.
  5. Complacency: You don’t need to grow when you’ve arrived. How important is growth to you? Do you worry about helping others grow, but don’t grow yourself?
  6. Thin skin: Egoists feel hurt when you provide constructive feedback. The people you dance around are self-centered.
  7. Rule bending: It’s easy to disadvantage others when you’re the center of the universe. The little people conform. Arrogance bends the rules for personal advantage.
  8. Roadblocking: Pride hoards information to hinder others and refuses to acknowledge the work of others. Lack of collaboration hinders possibilities.
  9. Hard headedness: Arrogance has a closed mind. Humility listens and learns. Self-importance refuses to change its mind.
  10. Hard heartedness: Ego and empathy don’t cohabitate. When you’re full of yourself there’s no room for others.

Over-confidence shrinks your world.

You need enough confidence to admit you’re wrong and enough courage to make decisions.

You might know someone who needs this post. Or you might need it.

What are some symptoms of self-importance?

Which item in the above list seems most important to you?

Still curious:

5 Ways to Answer Self Importance and Move Toward Humility

Ego Is the Enemy of Good Leadership (hbr.org)

We lose ourselves along the way. The story and projects in The Vagrant show leaders a path back to authenticity.

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