10 Questions to Ask when Choosing Leaders

One of the most painful mistakes of leadership is choosing the wrong leaders. The difference between success and failure begins with choosing the right leaders. (And ejecting the wrong.) Three mistakes when choosing leaders: #1. Overlooking introverts.… Continue reading

Puppets Don’t Lead

Eliminate, “I’m letting people lead,” from your vocabulary. “I’m letting people lead,” means they aren’t really leading, you are. “Letting people lead,” suggests you hold the strings. As long as you control others,… Continue reading

7 Deadly Mistakes You Must Avoid

You don’t need to learn from these mistakes, you need to avoid them. Seven deadly mistakes you must avoid: #1. Neglecting small wins. You need some big wins. How you achieve them is what… Continue reading

The 10 Powers of “With”

Self-serving leaders produce self-protective teammates. Everyone wants to know if you’re with them. Trust, engagement, commitment, and passion hang on your answer. Don’t ask anyone to get on your team, until you get… Continue reading

Solution Saturday: Culture in Two Words

Dear Dan, Can you address the key indicators of a culture of excellence and steps to establishing that culture for a school? Sincerely, Culture Builder Dear Culture Builder, Thanks for asking such a… Continue reading

4 Ways to Work Less

Ego causes leaders to over-estimate their own talent and underestimate the talent of others. Ego makes leaders over-manage and under-lead. 4 ways to work less: #1. Who: Don’t ask, “What can I do?” Ask,… Continue reading