Search Results for: Thought

3 Ways to Stop Worrying and Lead

With a heavy weight of responsibility, it’s nuts to worry.

Worrying causes you to jump to the worst possible conclusion in a single bound; or is it the other way around?

3 ways to stop worrying and lead…


5 Powerful Ways to Release Negativity

Negativity comforts defeat. Defeatists get it right eventually. Bad stuff happens. Small problems escalate into crisis. Predicting troubles is useful, but it doesn’t fuel success. Greatness includes self-confidence. Wallowing is defeat. Negativity: Leaders… Continue reading

The Simple Path to Your Best Self

The path to your best self requires self-awareness.

Self-awareness hinges on self-reflection.

Self-reflection enables self-discovery.

Here’s how…

Brevity: How to Live Well in a New Year

A big goal makes me feel powerful when it’s 364 days away. A goal for today slaps me to attention.

A year-long goal is a compass. Awareness of brevity sets the rudder.

Confronting the 12 Lies Self-Doubt Loves

Normal people dance with self-doubt.

Doubt ignores you until you imagine something new.

Doubt hates dreams.

Self-doubt seeks to protect you.

Here are some simple strategies to help you dance with self-doubt.

Please People and Overcome People-Pleasing

Sincerity makes promises it can’t keep when people-pleasing clouds judgement. But pleasing people is a good thing. All success requires bringing happiness to others.

Here are ways to please people and overcome people-pleasing.