Tag Archive: personal growth

The Five Opportunities of Good Fortune

Jay Elliot became a Sr. VP at Apple because he struck up a conversation with a stranger in the waiting area of a restaurant. The stranger was Steve Jobs.

Don’t wait for good fortune but welcome it when it knocks.

Insecurity and Other Signs You’re on the Right Track

Wrong ideas feel right. How can you tell if you’re on the right track?

Sentence Starters for Your Journaling Journey

Journaling reminds you to participate in life.

Enhance your journaling journey with simple sentence starters.

Two or three sentences is a beginning.

If Every Day was New Year’s Day

A new year is a new start in your mind. January 1st is like every other day on the calendar.

Our ability to make the same thing different is astonishing.

 You start again on New Year’s Day because you think you can.

Perception shapes experience.

If every day was New Year’s Day…

7 Indignities of Youth

Elders flaunt the indignities of their youth to validate their superiority to younger generations. 50 years ago you could listen to your neighbors’ phone conversations on the party line. The trimline phone was… Continue reading

The Best Mentors Do These Six Things

New Book Giveaway! Leave a comment on this guest post by Lisa Z. Fain to become eligible win a complimentary copy of her and Lois J. Zachary’s new book, The Mentor’s Guide, 3rd… Continue reading