Insecurity and Other Signs You’re on the Right Track

How can you know if you’re on the right track? Wrong ideas feel right.

  1. Micro-managing feels right to control freaks.
  2. Standing aloof feels like the right track to jerk-holes.
  3. Telling people what to do seems like the right track until you need people to take initiative.
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. Image of a person sitting on the railroad tracks.

3 signs you’re on the right track:

#1. You’re on the right track when you feel like a novice.

Forward movement causes uncertainty.

Experts feel secure because they rely on established formulas. They repeat past strategies. Being an expert is confidence to try new things, not an excuse to keep doing the same thing.

Be a person who feels a little insecure because you’re trying something new.

Stagnant people feel certain.

Every achievement begins with let’s try.

Those who reject uncertainty eliminate opportunity.

Image of female runner on the track.

#2. You’re on the right track when you seek help.

When you’re at the end of your rope, you waited too long to seek help. Don’t be helpless. Be helpable.

Record stories of people who are currently helping you, during self-reflection time. Write down their name and what they are doing to equip you for new challenges.

Record stories of past helpers. Reflect on past co-workers, mentors, coaches, and bosses. List teachers, sports coaches, and other people who lifted you up. You wouldn’t be where you are without them.

Bring a current challenge to mind and ask, “Who might know?”

#3. You’re on the right track when you talk openly about personal growth opportunities.

Leaders often focus on the growth of others and neglect their own. Average leaders feel frustrated with the weaknesses of others. High potential leaders work on their own faults and weaknesses.

How frequently do you bring up the weaknesses of others compared to your own?

What is your personal growth plan?  

How can leaders tell if they are on the right track?

Still curious:

Feeling Uncertain

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7 Good Signs That You’re on the Right Track in Life