Tag Archive: stress relieving activities

3 Questions that Resolve Stress Quickly

#1. The worst question: For some reason, when I ask, “What’s the worst that could happen?” stress loses some of its bite. You’re stressed about traffic, for example. What’s the worst that could… Continue reading

A Realistic Approach to Stress Management that doesn’t cause more Stress

I hate the expression, ‘stress management’. I get stressed when people tell me to relax. Thick books about managing stress make my belly hurt. The individuality of stress aggravates me. Stressors that bother… Continue reading

Small Irritations – The Legacy of Flies

Nothing rouses me to determined resolve like the catastrophe of a fly in the house. I stalk from room to room crouching – whacker at the ready. You know you’re rich beyond belief… Continue reading

12 Ways to Thrive Under Stress

Talking about stress is stressful. It’s one more problem to solve. But, ignoring it never resolves it. Stress builds up. Disproportionate reactions indicate stress build-up. Mary says, “Would you mind handing me that… Continue reading