How to Close the Influence Gap and Make a Greater Difference 


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Deadline for eligibility is 4/23/2022.

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The key to successful leadership is influence, not authority. Ken Blanchard. Image of a drop of water making ripples.

If you are leading at any level in an organization, you care about helping people thrive.

Along the way, you have most likely coached employees or others – teaching, guiding, and training them. You may find yourself using similar methods and repeating similar ideas. If you are successful, you most likely hear that you add great wisdom to the workplace.

Your unique leadership approach could be leveraged by others. A book is a great vehicle to share your wisdom with the world.

Leverage the influence gap:

Before you embark on writing a book, show up online and share your expertise now.

Many people fall prey to what I call the “influence gap” which occurs when a person creates significant offline influence and neglects the opportunity to share their wisdom online. In doing so, they limit the reach of their work and miss out on important opportunities to make a greater difference.

Close the influence gap:


Build an online presence that accurately shares your offline contributions. Build a website on a domain that you own. Clearly articulate your point of view through a blog, newsletter, social media, and other channels. 


Show up to provide your insights in online spaces. If you see an article or social media post on a key topic, share your perspective. Post a blog about a key topic on your website. As you share value in online spaces, you’ll reach an audience beyond the people you know.


Be patient as you grow your audience. Know that attracting and cultivating an audience takes time. The most influential experts have built their audiences over decades. 

Once you’ve closed the influence gap, you’ll be ready to write a book, and you’ll have an audience ready to receive it. 

Are you ready to close the influence gap?

What is standing in the way of you sharing value in online spaces? 

Becky Robinson is the Founder and CEO of Weaving Influence, a full-service marketing agency that specializes in digital and integrated marketing services and public relations for book authors, including business leaders, coaches, trainers, speakers, and thought leaders. Her first book with Berrett-Koehler Publishers titled, Reach: Create the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, launches today.