3 Ways Remarkable Leaders Put Themselves First

Remarkable leaders put themselves second. But only fools sacrifice their future to make transitory purchases. It’s deadly to put others first when you should put yourself first.

Normal folks transform into remarkable leaders when they practice three neglected habits. Thankfully you don’t need good looks, high IQ, position, or organizational authority.

Remarkable leaders avoid the rut created by success. Image of fruit trapped in a groove.

3 ways remarkable leaders put themselves first:

#1. First to reflect and grow.

Normal folks obsess about others. They ruminate on disappointments and struggle with offenses. You circle the black hole when you worry about things others do to you instead of actions within your control.

Remarkable leaders look inward before they act outward. And look inward again after they act.

Questions provide structure to self-reflection.

  1. Who do you aspire to become?
  2. How do you want to show up today?
  3. What’s giving you energy? Draining?
  4. What obstacles most frustrate you? What will you do to address them today?
  5. What comes easily to you but brings great benefit to others? How can you do more of that?

Remarkable leaders avoid the seduction of success that becomes a rut.

#2. First to invest in their leadership.

Normal folks neglect their development and repeat behaviors to the point of frustration. Remarkable leaders consistently invest in the future by investing in themselves.

  1. Connect with mentors.
  2. Hire a coach.
  3. Build relationships with people who have unique genius.
  4. Seek advice.

The key to investing in your leadership is openness to growth. You don’t know it all yet.

#3. First to manage their energy.

  1. Take breaks. Don’t work to the point of exhaustion.
  2. Respect your golden hours. Do what matters most when you’re at your best.
  3. Express gratitude.
  4. Manage your schedule around personal energy.

Hard work contributes to success, but neglected practices like structured self-reflection, investing in yourself, and managing your energy propel you to remarkable leadership.

Which of the above practices is most relevant to success? Why?

What neglected practices would you add to the above list?

Still curious:

The Unalterable Law of Energy

20 Questions You Can Use to Audit Personal Energy

4 Questions to Ask at the End of the Week for Self-Reflection

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Self-Reflection (hbr.org)

The First Step Toward Self-Knowledge is Realizing You Don’t Have It