Search Results for: Feedback

How Powerful Feedback Really Works

Feedback is often code for criticism.

Feedback focuses the past. You see what you did. Advice is about the future. You see what you could do.

Years ago, I received feedback that I still use today.

Everyone who pursues excellence craves feedback.

How to Seek Feedback Like a Leader

Don’t ask something stupid like, “How am I doing,” when seeking feedback.

Here are three practical questions to ask when seeking feedback.

Dear Dan: My Boss Doesn’t Give Me Feedback

Dear Dan,

I have a new manager that has been with our department for a little over a year now and she never gives direct feedback. She told me that I’m doing an excellent job. I’m looking for more than that.

Any suggestions?

Feedback: Solving the Most Common Failure in Leadership

Research indicates seeking feedback is the behavior leaders fail at the most.

The mirror you use to see yourself is distorted.

Seeking feedback expands potential.

16 Ways to Give Constructive Feedback Like a Human

You probably feel uncomfortable giving constructive feedback. Don’t carelessly it quenches enthusiasm.

Done skillfully it increases someone’s confidence.

Here are 16 ways to give constructive feedback like a human.

Feedback: Do These 3 Things Before You Say a Word

The heart of feedback has nothing to do with correct phrasing, strategies, or techniques.

The heart of feedback is being human.

1. Get right with yourself.
2. Put your fixer to bed.
3. Choose how you show up.