Search Results for: Wonderful

Personal Transformation Requires Aspiration Awareness and Accountability

I’m hosting another great book giveaway. Christian Greiser’s new book guides personal transformation.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get a wonderful book.

How Navigating Stressful Situations Can Make You a Hardier Leader 

Don’t miss it. We’re giving away a wonderful book on Leadership Freak today.

Some people become more engaged, more challenged, and more in control during difficult times. Why?

Dr. Steven Stein helps people become hardier. It’s a practice you can learn.

Did I mention we’re giving his book away, today?

Dear Dan: Am I Helping or Hindering

Today I’m answering a wonderful question from a reader. I wish more people asked, “How can I tell if I am helping or hindering.

We’ve all seen our efforts backfire.

Every leader has to terminate people. How can you do this without negative reflections on your own leadership skills?

How can you tell if someone really wants to grow?

Steady on!

16 Ways to Give Constructive Feedback Like a Human

You probably feel uncomfortable giving constructive feedback. Don’t carelessly it quenches enthusiasm.

Done skillfully it increases someone’s confidence.

Here are 16 ways to give constructive feedback like a human.

How to Spot a Manipulative Boss

The line between influence and manipulation is intention.

Manipulators seek their own interests. Ethical influencers seek your best interest.

“We can’t live if you’re promoted,” is baloney with a capital ‘B’.

Feedback: Do These 3 Things Before You Say a Word

The heart of feedback has nothing to do with correct phrasing, strategies, or techniques.

The heart of feedback is being human.

1. Get right with yourself.
2. Put your fixer to bed.
3. Choose how you show up.