Category Archive: Communication

The Top Three Communication Issues That Hold Leaders Back

The top three communication issues that hold leaders back: 63% – Not recognizing employee achievement. 57% – Not giving clear direction. 52% – Not having time to meet with employees. (Source: Interact/Harris Poll)… Continue reading

Christmas is an Accommodation

The first Christmas is God adapting to humanity. Representatives of Church-world like to talk about adjusting our attitudes and behaviors to God. But Christmas is an accommodation. Accommodation overcomes distance. Thank you for… Continue reading

Are You the Captain of the Titanic

Disconnected leaders are captains on the Titanic.  Comfortable disconnection in the present signals failure in the future. Isolation may feel comfortable – especially in difficult situations – but it sinks leaders and organizations.  … Continue reading

7 Ways to Say, “No,” When It’s Easier to Say, “Yes”

Tough and mean are two different things. Mean is uncaring. You don’t have to choose between a caring heart and tough decision. 7 Ways to say, “No.” #1. Declare good intentions. “I’d love… Continue reading

People Can’t See Your Heart When You’re Lost in Your Head

I can not notice people. I want to notice, but I’m easily distracted. People can’t see your heart, when you’re lost in your head. It doesn’t matter if you want to notice people.… Continue reading

15 Ways to Talk so People Will Listen

We’ve all had leaders we wished would sit down and stop talking. Don’t be one. 15 ways to talk so people will listen: Decide if you care about great communication skills. Are you… Continue reading