Category Archive: Communication

Solution Saturday: Clarity without Blabbing

Dear Dan, I’m the one in a meeting who goes on and on. No bullcrap, but as my good friend once told me, in my desire to make sure everyone understands, I say… Continue reading

Don’t Kill Your Big Idea

We’re doing it again!! 30 more free books!  Last Wednesday’s  book give away did so well, we’re having another!  Leave a comment on this post by 2/25/2017 to become eligible to win one… Continue reading

How to Interrupt Others and Get to the Point

You wouldn’t be polite to someone who reached into your pocket to steal your credit cards. Don’t be polite with people who persistently steal your time by talking on and on. Common rules… Continue reading

Solution Saturday: I’m a Male Leader with an All Female Team

Hi Dan, Love your blog, it’s my regular go-to! I am the male CEO of an organization that has no other male staff. I find increasingly that staff and board members are going… Continue reading

How to Create Organizational Vitality and Be a Place Where People Love Coming to Work

People struggle and sink when environments feel like death. 7 signs your organization is sick: Low performers are protected. Anyone who isn’t growing, needs to go. Coach them up or out.  Secrets saturate… Continue reading

3 Strategies that Minimize Hierarchy and Maximize Speed and Agility

Think of organizations as human bodies, not hierarchical pyramids. Bodies are agile. Pyramids house the dead. Organizational leaders try to increase speed and agility by removing layers from pyramids. But removing layers –… Continue reading