Category Archive: Leadership Development

3 Ways to Confront Unrealistic Optimism

Positive thinking doesn’t cure cancer or prevent wars. Unrealistic optimism might cause wars and increase the likelihood you’ll get cancer.

You do stupid things when you underestimate the possibility of failure.

3 ways to be a realistic optimist…

Insecurity and Other Signs You’re on the Right Track

Wrong ideas feel right. How can you tell if you’re on the right track?

How to Manage the Danger of Untended Wounds

Untended wounds become rot.

People – like pears – decay from the inside. You don’t notice it at first.

How to protect your team and yourself from justifying toxicity caused by…

1. Unspoken expectations.
2. Negative assumptions.
3. Untended wounds.

The 4 Universal Factors of Success

Confusion about the path to success obscures the obvious.

There are four factors of success. Not three. Not five. Four and only four.

The path is the same for everyone.

Dear Dan: My Boss Doesn’t Give Me Feedback

Dear Dan,

I have a new manager that has been with our department for a little over a year now and she never gives direct feedback. She told me that I’m doing an excellent job. I’m looking for more than that.

Any suggestions?

3 Insightful Questions You Can Ask Today

The wrong question makes you look slow witted. Insightful questions ignite engagement.