Category Archive: Taking others higher

The dangerous answer-man

I like to give people answers. Knowledge is power so I wrongly think answers enhance my power and elevate my status. However, answers get in the way. For example, in a recent meeting… Continue reading

You can’t get there from here

An outsider stopped outside a cedar clad country store. Sitting on the weathered porch a wrinkled New Englander eyeballed the flat lander climb out of a shiny SUV. The city slicker called to… Continue reading

Pushing ropes or fueling fires

Motivating others can be as challenging as pushing ropes. Leaders and managers push people by pressuring, explaining, creating check points, measuring production, threatening, rewarding, and more. Successful leaders learn how to push ropes… Continue reading

Why do people follow?

The question of why people follow isn’t settled. Is following about leaders or is following about followers? Chances are it isn’t an either or question. Most leadership books focus on leaders but there… Continue reading

Performance reviews

Performance reviews are like Grape Nut’s Flakes, neither grapes nor nuts.  They don’t improve performance and they don’t review well either. Three reasons traditional performance reviews don’t work. #1. Extended time gaps The time… Continue reading

Top down thinking

In top down organizations information flows up and decisions come down. The military is an example of a top down organization. People in top down organization exercise top down thinking. They aren’t designing… Continue reading