
UNlearning is harder than learning.

If I mistakenly recall that your name is Barry when it’s actually Carl, you could wrongly be Barry for the rest of my life.  When we decide something is true (learn it), that “truth” clings to us even if it’s false.

The essential leadership quality of tenacity sometimes hinders success.  Here’s what I mean.  Every one learns strategies for dealing with life, management, and leading.  However, life is changing.  The scientific term describing life without change is death.  Change antiquates strategies that once worked.    The problem, tenacity causes leaders to UNlearn slowly.

Here’s a suggestion.

Look for repetitive head bangers.

Maybe you haven’t noticed but there’s an area of escalating frustration in your life.  You’re drive to succeed minimizes that frustration and makes you “hit it again” every time it emerges.  Head bangers point to the need for new strategies.  Rather than trying harder, adjust.  Relearning begins with unlearning.

Clarification:  I’m not suggesting you change course like a tissue in the wind.   And I’m not saying quit.  But if you have a huge dent in the middle of your forehead from running into the same low hanging beam, perhaps it’s time to UNlearn.

Additionally, the Leadership Freak blog “Trajectory” suggests a useful strategy that helps in the Unlearning process.  http://leadershipfreak.blog/2010/01/08/trajectory/

Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

Leaders reach higher by UNlearning antiquated strategies.

Leadership Freak,

Dan Rockwell