The Top 25 Temptations of Leadership

  1. Using position to intimidate or manipulate.
  2. Believing talent, experience, or skills compensate for preparation.
  3. Choosing the easy way for you rather than the best way for them.
  4. Overlooking the destructive behaviors of high performers.
  5. Withholding benefits or resources as punishment.
  6. Avoiding tough issues.
  7. Staying the same.
  8. Pretending you know when you don’t.
  9. Hiring yourself. Surrounding yourself with people who have your strengths.
  10. Playing favorites.
  11. Self-protection.
  12. Waiting for the perfect solution rather than choosing the best option.
  13. Consensus decision-making.
  14. Seclusion.
  15. Considering power a perk rather than a platform for service.
  16. Placing short-term wins before long-term success. “Let’s just get this done, we’ll fix the problems or big issues later.”
  17. Ignoring your inner voice when it says something isn’t right.
  18. Allowing people to think you agree when you don’t.
  19. Telling people what they want to hear.
  20. Shortcuts.
  21. Forgetting it’s always about the people.
  22. Focusing on problems and weaknesses to the detriment of opportunities and strengths.
  23. Giving answers before exploring options.
  24. Meddling.
  25. Little white lies.

Cave dwelling (seclusion) is one of my temptations. I love people but I also love privacy, books, and being alone.


What are the most tempting temptations leaders face?

What temptations do you feel as a leader?


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