3 Conditional Statements Smart People Never Say

Words have trajectory.

Listen to the words coming out of your mouth and ask what do conditional statements say about your thinking. Where do conditional statements take you?

Conditional statements stand between you and the life you hope to enjoy.

Conditional statements lead nowhere. Image of a dangerous wharf.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

3 conditional statements smart people never say:

#1. If I had:

A deceptive “if” is weight on your heart.

  1. If I had better co-workers…
  2. If I had a better job…
  3. If my boss was helpful…

Don’t let a deceptive “if” erode opportunities.

#2. I’ll be happy when:

“When” statements postpone action until conditions are right.

  1. I’ll be happy when I get a promotion.
  2. I’ll be happy when I’m outta here.
  3. I’ll be happy when you leave me alone.

Some words are excuses for inaction. If you say, “I’ll be happy when,” you aren’t happy now and you won’t be happy “when” either.

#3. I’m too and it’s too:

Don’t let “too” blot out your future.

Avoid saying opportunity passed by and you missed it. Self-pity in the form of “I’m too” is an excuse to not begin.

  1. I’m too old/young.
  2. I’m too tired.
  3. It’s too late.

“I’m too” is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Before too long you’ll be saying, I knew I couldn’t.

What conditional statements solidify the present?

Words for the Wise

Words You Don’t Say But Should

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