Eye-opening Self-Reflection Questions for Leaders

Growth requires self-reflection. Do you actually deliver the goods? Could you have blind spots?

Are you the real deal?

Self-reflection questions that keep you on track…

Aptronyms: What if Your Name Suited You

Pecksniff and Scrooge are aptronyms.

What if your name was appropriate for you?

A moment for reflection…

How to Spot a Manipulative Boss

The line between influence and manipulation is intention.

Manipulators seek their own interests. Ethical influencers seek your best interest.

“We can’t live if you’re promoted,” is baloney with a capital ‘B’.

Your Secret Power to Energize People

Pouring mud in the cup doesn’t energize people.

Worms like mud. People like sunshine.

An Invitation You Can’t Resist

Dear Leadership Freak reader, I’m personally inviting all the readers in the Leadership Freak family to a Zoom meeting. Many of you have been reading my short posts for years. Your encouragement energizes… Continue reading

5 Questions Lower Self-Inflicted Stress

Stress says you care about something.

Self-inflicted stress crushes savior-leaders.

Questions lower self-inflicted stress.