7 Ways to Push Through Thorny Issues

Thorny issues always get worse when unattended. Inevitably, you tumble into disappointing results, heated confrontation, broken relationships, or fatalistic resignation. Thorny issues are pivotal moments that confirm, confront, or establish trajectory. There is no arrival only… Continue reading

13 Ways to Spot Energy Draining Blood Suckers

Blood sucking people, like parasites, suck the life out of you. Successful leaders energize. Lousy leaders drain. The neglected skill of leadership is managing energy. 4 powers of energy: Energy predicts the future.… Continue reading

Two Steps and Four Landmines

Blazing new trails is tougher than staying where you are. We usually chose escalating frustration over the perils of moving forward. There are two steps in forward movement. The first is easier than… Continue reading

Make Mistakes – Avoid Screw Ups

Anyone who says mistakes are no big deal needs an attitude adjustment. When you celebrate the wrong mistake it’s a screw up. The way you handle mistakes makes or breaks leadership. Positive mistakes:… Continue reading

The Seven Qualities of Perfect Teammates

Those who aren’t irritating aren’t fully known. Everyone is irritating. They either do things that bug you, or, they leave something undone, and that bugs you. What does a perfect teammate look like? Perfect… Continue reading

How to Have Fiery Meetings and Not Blow Up

The alternative to fiery meetings is assembling teams that see everything from the same perspective. Uncontested unanimity is feel-good mediocrity. 7 requirements for fiery meetings: Invite dynamic tensions on teams as long as… Trust… Continue reading