Fewer Policies – More Conversations

I know they’re necessary, but I hate policies. Leaders who love policies hamper leadership and hinder organizations.   Policies are the result of leadership distance. The further you are from the action, the… Continue reading

15 Reasons To Ignore Feedback

Most people aren’t qualified to give you feedback. At least it seems that way. You’re feedback is insightful, caring, and helpful. But, their feedback is irrelevant, uncaring, and confusing. Your feedback is right, but,… Continue reading

7 Power Tips for Facing Turbulence

Turbulence grabs attention, focuses energy, stretches relationships, tests resolve, and shows you who you are. Leadership tips during turbulence. Turbulence is useful when it: Strengthens connections. People who trust each other pull together… Continue reading

How to Cut Your Losses and Move On

Trajectory predicts the future. Minimize the negative impact of laggards by managing them up or out. Give employees on the rise freedom, opportunity, authority, and position. Experience suggests you have, on average, a… Continue reading

Leadership Sherlocking

The last time you heard, “Got a minute,” it took an hour and you nearly got fired. Magnifying glasses come out when things goes wrong. Sherlocking what’s wrong: Leaders become Sherlock Holmes when things… Continue reading

How to Motivate Others to Commit

Frustrated leaders ask, “How can I convince others to do what I want them to do?” Why is commitment so low? Reluctance: Reluctance to commit is natural and healthy. Overcoming reluctance is part… Continue reading