The True Value of Persistent Problems and Nagging Distress

Problems are spiny gifts wrapped in sandpaper.

It’s foolish to wish for problem-free leadership.

The four benefits of persistent problems:

#1. The prospect of becoming your best self.

“Leadership is a matter of how to be, not how to do.” Francis Hesselbein.

Discomfort and distress are the hammer and anvil of becoming.

Personal growth gives meaning to persistent problems because problems help you become yourself.

“Leadership is synonymous with becoming yourself…” Warren Bennis

Becoming yourself requires conversations with the problems you face.

2 questions to ask nagging problems and recurring distress:

  1. Why are you here?
  2. Who are you calling me to become?

You lose yourself when solving problems is all you think about.

#2. The potential of an open mind.

An open mind reflects the potential of a new future. But the promise of a closed mind is repetition.

You aren’t open minded if you haven’t recently changed your mind.

Persistent problems are useful when you:

  1. Acknowledge you don’t know. Potential begins with knowing you don’t know.
  2. Practice curiosity longer than others.
  3. Rise above, “I’m right,” and allow others to be right.
  4. Try new things.

#3. The power of choosing your attitude.

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” Victor Frankl

The difference between success and failure is the attitude you choose toward the road ahead.

#4. The possibilities from taking action.

Personal development is the result of action, not simply contemplation. As you act, do three things.

  1. Work on yourself.
  2. Open your mind.
  3. Choose your attitude.

Arrogance short-circuits growth because it blames, excuses, and pretends.

Humility fuels growth because it accepts reality, takes responsibility, includes others, and doesn’t need to be right.

The value of a problem is the opportunity it creates.

How might problems and distress be the tools of authenticity?

What benefits do persistent problems offer?


Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl

The 12 Toughest Challenges of Leadership, (LF)