4 Things All Remarkable Managers Learn to Notice

The skill of noticing moves you from a victim of circumstances to focused and directed.

You walk past people without noticing them. You’re so lost in your head you don’t remember walking to your meeting.

Not noticing is one reason you go home from work unfulfilled and frustrated.

The skill of noticing:

#1. Notice yourself:

  1. How do you feel about your team members? (Worried, frustrated, encouraged, intimidated, appreciative?)
  2. What drains you?
  3. What lights you up?
  4. When are you at your best? Morning, afternoon, or evening?

#2. Notice others:

  1. What’s their story? Every leader needs to know the formative stories of the people on their team.
  2. How did they happen to choose their career?
  3. What aspirations drive them?
  4. What do they love about work? Hate?
  5. When are they at their best? (Time of day?)

#3. Notice impact:

  1. How does the way you feel about an employee subtly impact your relationship with them?
  2. What shifts for others when you walk in?
  3. How do people feel when you show up?
  4. How do people feel after spending time with you?

#4. Notice environments:

  1. What does your office feel like? How do you want it to feel? How will you create the environment you desire? What will you stop doing that’s blocking the environment you desire?
  2. What’s working? Bird-dogging problems all day makes you an ugly person.

Tip: Spend part of your day asking, “What’s working?”

How to use noticing:

Do deep work between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. if that’s when you’re at your best.

Address nagging frustrations. Don’t live with them.

When someone lights up, ask, “What’s going on for you? How can you do more of that?”

Which aspect of noticing is most important for you today?

What might you add to the above lists?