The Journey to True Success

I have, in large part, become who I was when I was a kid. True success is becoming your best self. Don’t waste years trying to become someone you aren’t.

What happens when you try to become someone you aren’t? Disappointment and frustration.

True success requires you to become your true self, not the person others expect you to be. Bill George and Zack Clayton have written a book that enables leaders to pursue true success, True North: Emerging Leader Edition.

True success: I have in large part become who I was when I was a kid. Image of two kids playing in water.

The journey to true success:

Beginnings determine endings. When you pursue material success and neglect self-awareness you lose yourself to possessions, position, power, and prestige.

The journey toward true success begins with self-awareness. “Developing self-awareness by understanding your life story and reframing your crucibles should be the starting point on every person’s path to becoming a leader.” George and Clayton

Self-aware leaders know their strengths and accept their weaknesses. Gaining self-awareness requires introspection and feedback.

Introspection apart from feedback leads to distortion. Feedback without introspection gives too much power to others. “… lack of self-awareness leads to self-deception and errors in judgement.”

  1. Self-awareness leads to self-acceptance.
  2. Self-acceptance leads to self-compassion.
  3. Self-compassion leads to self-actualization.

“Self-actualization is the full realization of your talent and potential. Psychologist Abraham Maslow refers to it as, ‘the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming.” True North: Emerging Leader Edition

The sticking point:

“The hardest part of being self-aware is facing our weaknesses.” George and Clayton

Dave Pottruck, former CEO of Charles Swab, said denial is the biggest challenge we face on the journey to self awareness.

  1. Practice being honest with yourself.
  2. Reject excuse-making.
  3. Avoid blame.

True success is worth pursuing. Thanks to Bill George for his contribution.

What suggestions do you have for leaders who aspire to true success?

Still curious: The First Step Toward Self-Knowledge is Realizing You Don’t Have It

This post is based on my conversation with Bill George and his new book, True North: Emerging Leader Edition.

Learn from Bill yourself: