5 Ways to Identify and Avoid Toxic Positivity

The kettle on the stove is always whistling. When work is a positive experience, someone labored to make it happen. But toxic positivity corrodes organizations.

Make positive experiences a daily practice, but toxic positivity is destructive.

Here are 5 ways to spot toxic positivity.

Help! She Brings Bull Crap to One-on-Ones

A person writes, “This person continuously brings “bull crap” to one-on-one interactions.

This is a “Dear Dan” post. I’d love to read your thoughts on what might help this manager deal with a difficult employee.

Help! She Brings Bull Crap to One-On-Ones.

Help: My Boss Doesn’t Support Me

A reader writes, “I do not get the support I need from my boss.”

What suggestions do you have for a person who feels unsupported?

4 Ways “No” Moves You Forward

Hearing “no” feels like rejection. But a good “no” moves you forward.

Jobs and Wozniak started Apple after HP told them no.

It’s dumb to desire rejection. But I wonder what would have happened if Hewlett-Packard said yes.

Here are 4 benefits of “no” that might energize you today.

How to Build Relationships with the Right People

Working out, a good diet, and a great job aren’t the answer to the good life.

The answer to the good life is supportive relationships.

How to build relationships with the right people?

A Conversation with Glen Van Peski

Glen wasn’t thrilled with my use of “obsessed”.

Glen Van Peski said, “Always thinking about better ways to do things … can be frankly annoying to people.”

We talk about, having enough, drive to be better, bacon, and more.