3 Questions That Move Experienced Leaders Forward

“When issues are confusing and decisions are stressful, I’m the go-to person for my team. In some ways that’s good, but I wonder what I’m doing to cause dependency?” (Asked during a coaching conversation.)

It’s impressive when leaders ask probing questions about themselves.

Ego loves being the go-to person. But dependency makes people weak. And leaders get in the way when they need to be needed.

Well timed questions enable people to craft their own path. Image of a mountain trail.

3 questions that move experienced leaders forward:

Question one: What do you want for your team?

“I want my leaders to feel empowered to make decisions on their own.”

Question two: Who are your go-to people?

My friend said, “I’m often asked who my go-to people are. I tell them I have a coach.” He added five others to his list. Three people are outside his company and three inside.

Image of a group of happy people.

“Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” Unknown

Question three: How did you collect a team of go-to people?

He answered this question with three practices.

  1. Seek out people with technical expertise.
  2. Follow up with people you meet at industry specific events. Perhaps there’s a connection.
  3. Build relationships with talented people inside your organization.

My observations suggest character traits matter too.

Leaders with a personal team of go-to people practice humility. They admire the skills and talents of others. They respect outside perspectives. And they relentlessly improve themselves.


  1. What do you want for others?
  2. How are you doing it yourself?
  3. How can others apply what you know?

Well timed questions enable people to answer their own questions.

Note: This line of questioning works with experienced leaders. Novices may not know.

What questions help people find their own path forward?

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