13 Things You Can Do with Words

Thoughtless words are muddy roads.

You can smooth the way with things you say.

Thoughtless words are muddy roads. Image of a muddy road in winter.

13 things words do:

  1. Seduce. Seduction is telling someone what they want to hear so you can advantage yourself.
  2. Slander. Gossip steals reputations and undermines esteem. The goal of gossip is destruction.
  3. Instigate. Don’t be surprised at the fallout of anger. Angry language stirs conflict.
  4. Crush. You’ve felt the crushing power of words when someone insulted your good intentions or belittled your value.
  5. Give life. You can say something that quickens someone’s steps. Tell people what you see in them that they don’t see in themselves. Describe impact. A useful word contributes to wholeness.
  6. Lift. An atah boy/girl fuels energy.
  7. Distract. Too many what abouts and what ifs distract attention form the real goal. People start protecting and lose sight of promoting.
  8. Clarify. Learn to say things that clear the fog. Focus on priorities even during turbulence.
  9. Multiply. Useful language multiplies positive results. Destructive communications multiply pain.
  10. Obligate. Choose commitments with the future in mind.
  11. Correct. Protect progress by pointing out self-defeating behaviors and destructive patterns.
  12. Restore. An apology has power to create a new beginning.
  13. Set direction. Words are rudders. Talk creates attention. Attention sets direction.

5 Tips:

#1. The only rule for your mouth is open it to make something better.

#2. Restraint prevents trouble. Better to say too little than too much.

#3. Some healing hurts. But it’s never leaderly to harm with words.

#4. Things you say to yourself impact the quality of your life.

#5. Align your speech with the results you look for. How does your language fuel progress?

Which communication tip in this post seems most relevant from your perspective?

What might you add to the above lists?

The words you say to yourself impact the direction of your life. The Vagrant provides structured self-reflection exercises that will smooth the path forward for leaders. Order your copy today:


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