Category Archive: Curiosity

7 Boring Things Successful Leaders Do That Failing Leaders Neglect

I asked the mechanic if they rotated the tires on my vehicle. Tire rotation is included in the price of an oil change. His report was, “Your tires look great. The technician didn’t… Continue reading

Questions that Bring People to Life

Experience shows that most leaders are lousy question askers. Maybe it’s lack of practice? Not long ago, I met a leader who asked interesting questions. He was interesting TO me because he was interested… Continue reading

You See Things As You Are – Not as They Are

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are,” attributed to Anais Nin. You believe you are the answer. You see what you look for and defend what you see. Seeing:… Continue reading

How Curiosity Energizes Team Members

I asked a question that drained a leader’s energy. She’s facing new challenges and feels trapped. Meeting challenges, seizing opportunities, and solving people-issues require energy. It’s true that serving in ways that align… Continue reading

How to Build a Learn-it-All Organization in a Know-it-All World

Relationships are pissing contests in know-it-all organizations. It’s a losing proposition to work for know-it-alls. YOU’RE never good enough. THEY’RE always right. People don’t listen, learn, and improve in know-it-all organizations. They’re too… Continue reading

15 Questions that Invent the Future

Progress is the answer to a question. If you feel stuck, you have aspiration without progress. But the right question re-ignites forward movement. If you want to invent the future, you must first… Continue reading